Have you ever walked on the beach and looked for shells or clams?
There are creatures, more like you and me, who are even more interesting to look for. Most people don’t see them, but they might just not know how to look for signs. That sand dollar – why, that could be a mermaid-size surfboard. Those twisted reeds – a bed for a lovely afternoon mermaid nap. And if you peer closely into the water, you might see a mermaid market.
This is a lovely activity for a fun day at the beach and a way to encourage paying close attention to all the interesting things that can be found on the beach or in the water.
Picture Book | Ages 3 – 8
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-933718-59-0 | 32 pages | $16.99
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-933718-71-2 | $10.99
Lexile Level: 630 | Guided Reading Level: L | Grade Level: 2-3 | Reading Recovery Level: 19

Meet Author Ammi-Joan Paquette
Ammi-Joan has been writing stories since early childhood. She and her sister would spend hours creating masterpieces of stapled paper and handwritten words, complete with pen-and-ink covers and boxed illustrations. Her favorite part of the process was creating a list for the back cover: “Don’t miss the other books in this series!” That list of eye-catching titles always seemed like way less work than (hand) writing out a whole book. But isn’t that just the way of things?
The road to publication was long and winding, peppered with many small successes including: a variety of national magazine publications, being a 2005 PEN New England Susan P. Bloom Discovery Award honoree, and receiving the 2008 SCBWI’s Susan Landers Glass Scholarship Award, for the book that would later become Nowhere Girl. Ammi’s first picture book, The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Fairies, was published in 2009.
Ammi-Joan now lives with her husband and two daughters in the Boston area, where she continues to write (and agent) books for children and young adults.

Meet Illustrator Marie Letourneau
Marie Letourneau was born in Queens Village and raised in Babylon, NY. Growing up, she loved to draw, paint and engage in art activities of all kinds. She knew from an early age that she would like to one day write & illustrate picture books. Now, she is author and illustrator for kids!
Her book, The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Freres, won the 2006 Bronze ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award.
Marie currently works from her home studio on Long Island where she resides with her family, two dogs, and cat.
Other Books By Author

The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Mermaids
Ammi-Joan Paquette, Marie Letourneau
The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Fairies
Ammi-Joan Paquette, Christa UnznerThe Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Mermaids Reviews
The Wall Street Journal“This seaside ramble mingles facts and fantasy with photographs and whimsical drawings to encourage young children to imagine mermaidy goings-on at the beach. Here the creatures are sparkly, spindle-armed creatures that use sand dollars as boogie boards.”
Library Media Connection“A fun read-aloud, and one that would lend to a creative writing lesson, this energetic new book will surely be a great addition to any elementary library. Highly recommended.”