Eva Mozes Kor tenía 10 años cuando llegó al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz.
Mientras que sus padres y sus dos hermanas mayores fueron conducidos a las cámaras de gas, ella y su hermana gemela, Miriam, fueron depositadas al cuidado de un hombre conocido como el Ángel de la Muerte, el Dr. Josep Mengele. Sometidas a sádicos experimentos médicos, Eva se vio obligada a luchar cada día para que ella y su hermana pudieran sobrevivir. En esta increíble pero real historia, escrita para jóvenes adultos, los lectores conocerán la resistencia de una niña por sobrevivir frente a tanta horrible maldad.
El libro incluye un epílogo en el que se explica cómo Eva logró superar esta terrible experiencia, además de su increíble decisión de perdonar públicamente a los nazis. A través de su museo y de sus conferencias, Eva ha dedicado toda su vida a dar testimonio del Holocausto, y a brindar un mensaje de esperanza a las personas que han sufrido en la vida y trabajan a favor de las causas por los derechos humanos y por la paz.
Young Adult | 160 pages | Ages 12 & up
Spanish Paperback ISBN: 978-1-939100-21-4 | $8.99
Spanish Ebook ISBN: 978-1-939100-40-5 | $8.99
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-933718-28-6 | $14.95
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-933718-57-6 | $8.99
E-book ISBN: 978-1-933718-68-2 | $8.95
Educator’s Guide ISBN: 978-1-939100-15-3 | Free
Lexile Level: 830 | Guided Reading Level: W | Grade Level: 6 | Reading Recovery Level: NA
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) | 70.31%

Meet Author Eva Mozes Kor
Eva Mozes Kor was a resident of Terre Haute, IN. She was a recognized speaker, both nationally and internationally, on topics related to the Holocaust and social justice. Eva created the CANDLES organization in 1985 to locate other Mengele twins and found 122 twins throughout the world. She then opened the CANDLES Holocaust Museum in 1995 to educate the public about the historic event she survived. A community leader, champion of human rights, and tireless educator, Eva has been covered in numerous media outlets and is the subject of a documentary, Eva A-7063.

Meet Author Lisa Rojany
Lisa Rojany Buccieri has written over 100 children’s books, including several award-winning and bestselling titles. She is also a publishing executive and editor with over 20 years of experience in the industry. Lisa lives with her family in Los Angeles.
Young Adult | 160 pages | Ages 12 & up
Spanish Paperback ISBN: 978-1-939100-21-4 | $8.99
Spanish Ebook ISBN: 978-1-939100-40-5 | $8.99
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-933718-28-6 | $14.95
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-933718-57-6 | $8.99
E-book ISBN: 978-1-933718-68-2 | $8.95
Educator’s Guide ISBN: 978-1-939100-15-3 | Free
Lexile Level: 830 | Guided Reading Level: W | Grade Level: 6 | Reading Recovery Level: NA
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) | 70.31%
Sobrevivir al Ángel de la Muerte Reviews
Archbishop Desmond Tutu“Eva Mozes Kor has written a very moving and vivid account of an extraordinary and horrific experience. It is an important document showing the strength of the human spirit and the capacity to forgive. She should be commended for having the courage to write about her traumatic childhood, leading to the forgiveness that freed her from hatred and brought her peace. May it inspire others to emulate her.”
Richard Freedman, National Director, South African Holocaust Foundation“I found the book to be compelling reading and in fact read it at one sitting. The strength of Surviving the Angel of Death lies in its simple style and the clear picture of life before the Holocaust and after liberation, which adds a very important dimension to the testimony. This remarkable story is an important entry point in the teaching of Holocaust History and the many issues which emerge from it, not least of all the triumph of the human spirit.”
Jen Fitzgerald, Associate Director, Rutgers University Project on Economics and Children“With all this biographical information, besides just the time at Auschwitz, the reader really gets to know and relate to Eva and Miriam. This will help children put a face on the Holocaust, bringing their history lessons to their hearts as well as their minds.”
VOYA“Eva’s story will have the reader hooked until the very end…Readers of all ages will remember her narrative and will be inspired by it. This book is an essential purchase for libraries with a Holocaust collection, but it would also be a valuable addition to any library with young impressionable readers.”
Assembly of Literature for Adolescents“A masterful, searing, and mind-numbing account of twin ten-year-old sisters who entered the Nazi camp of horror and evil and emerged as survivors…her first-person narrative voice lends powerful credence to the power of the human spirit and the strength of the will to live despite incredible odds…The reader will not want to stop reading.”
Philip Gulley, Author of Front Porch Tales and Harmony series“Eva Kor’s Surviving the Angel of Death redefined my understanding of suffering. That one so young could triumph over such grotesque evil and still celebrate life and goodness is both a mystery and an inspiration. If this book doesn’t move you, nothing will.”