Argyle Fox

Argyle Fox, with his signature style, wants to play outside on a springtime day, but the wind is wreaking havoc with his fun and games.

As soon as he builds a card tower, climbs into a giant spider web, or takes up his pirate sword, here comes the wind: Woosh!

Mama Fox tells grumpy Argyle that if he thinks long enough, he will come up with something to do. Following his mother’s suggestion and inspired by her knitting, he works all the pieces of his day together and creates the perfect solution.

The story of Argyle teaches that failure is often a path to success and celebrates perseverance, creative thinking, and an old-fashioned springtime activity.

Picture Book | Ages 3 – 7
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-939100-09-2 | 32 pages | $17.99
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-939100-10-8
Lexile Level: 540 | Guided Reading Level: I | Grade Level: 1 | Reading Recovery Level: 15-16

Meet Illustrator Marie Letourneau

Marie Letourneau was born in Queens Village and raised in Babylon, NY. Growing up, she loved to draw, paint and engage in art activities of all kinds. She knew from an early age that she would like to one day write & illustrate picture books. Now, she is author and illustrator for kids!

Her book, The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Freres, won the 2006 Bronze ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award.

Marie currently works from her home studio on Long Island where she resides with her family, two dogs, and cat.

Other Books by Author/Illustrator Marie Letourneau

  • Argyle Fox Reviews

    “Outdoor playtime can be a challenge, but not for a clever and artistic fox.

    The titular fox lives in a forest filled with springtime winds. Argyle decides, nonetheless, that he would like to play outdoors, but his choice of activities is bedeviled by those winds. “Wooosh”: his stack of cards blows away. “Wooosh”: he’s blown into the spiderweb he’s made. “Wooosh”: his pirate hat blows away, his soccer ball lands far out of bounds, and finally his castle collapses. The other animals did warn him, and at last, he gathers up his playthings and returns home. His mother tells him that if he thinks about it, the perfect pastime will occur to him. After some thought, it does. Argyle gathers up his yarn, paint, and tape, goes outdoors, and flies his handmade kite with a resounding “wooosh.” Letourneau’s animal characters are appealing, and the settings are busily colorful, with greens, blues, and oranges filling the pages. The final spread is endearing as Argyle shares, at no cost, his artistry and hands out kites to the other forest creatures—a squirrel gets one with an acorn, and a beaver gets one with a tree.

    Argyle ably demonstrates that if you build it yourself, you and your friends will have a great time. ”

    Kirkus Reviews

    “Undaunted by the fierce spring winds, one determined woodland lad sets out to enjoy the day, in Marie Letourneau’s Argyle Fox, a lighthearted tale of tenacity, creative thinking, and the power of a woodland gale. Argyle Fox, sporting his signature diamond-patterned scarf, learns through trial and error, along with a lot of encouragement and some sound advice from his mom, that a little ingenuity can go a long way, especially on a blustery afternoon.”

    Foreword Reviews

    “Letourneau captures Argyle’s frustrations in fresh, cheery illustrations punctuated with her hero’s frustrated outbursts … [and] offers a gentle reminder of the rewards of perseverance, resourcefulness, and creativity.”

    Publishers Weekly

    “The artwork is rich, engaging, and filled with endearing details. The other forest creatures, such as a gardening badger in overalls and a little blue bird with a pirate eye patch, are particularly charming. This is a cautionary tale that can provide social and emotional lessons for children who are easily frustrated or angered.”

    School Library Journal