How to Change the World in 12 Easy Steps was inspired by Eva Kor, a child survivor of Auschwitz. She always stressed to young audiences that even though a child, they had the power to change the world. Easy, simple gestures from picking up a piece of trash on the sidewalk, tidying a bedroom, accepting someone who is different, along with other gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness can make a big difference. The book could also serve as a starting point for a conversation on prejudice. Marie Letourneau’s illustrations capture the warmth at the heart of this book, making it a fun, but life-changing read.
Picture Book | Ages 4 & up
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-939100-54-2 | 32 pages | $15.99
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-939100-55-9
Grade Level: Preschool – 4

Meet Author Peggy Porter Tierney
Peggy Porter Tierney is the founder and President of Tanglewood Books and has worked in publishing as an editor and publisher for 27 years. Peggy was involved with Eva Kor through editing and publishing Ms. Kor’s YA memoir, Surviving the Angel of Death, and serving on the board of the CANDLES Holocaust Museum. How to Change the World in 12 Easy Steps is Tierney’s first book as an author. She currently resides in Indianapolis.

Meet Illustrator Marie Letourneau
Marie Letourneau was born in Queens Village and raised in Babylon, NY. Growing up, she loved to draw, paint and engage in art activities of all kinds. She knew from an early age that she would like to one day write & illustrate picture books. Now, she is author and illustrator for kids!
Her book, The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Freres, won the 2006 Bronze ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award.
Marie currently works from her home studio on Long Island where she resides with her family, two dogs, and cat.
Other Books by the Illustrator
How to Change the World in 12 Easy Steps Reviews
School Library Journal, starred review“The simplicity of the 12 easy steps in this book is disarming and deeply moving. This no-fuss guide counts on children’s humanity for its force, rather than spirituality or any whiff of religious thought, and in doing so, its impact is immense.”
Kirkus Reviews, starred review“A touching and beautiful guide to consideration and kindness.”
Ted Green, Filmmaker of award-winning documentary Eva A-7063“Eva’s greatest magic was her ability to connect with children, to introduce them to their own unimagined capability. This astonishing little book captures her spirit beautifully and will help to grow world-changes for generations to come.”